

Simply if your website is not going to updating data regularly, Gatsby can be the best option. It's a React framework to build superfast websites. It generates static HTML files and fetches all the data at build time. Before there was no better way to develop a website, but now we have multiple options. Server-side rendering of all pages always has been expensive and complex. You can have 100 and 1000s of static pages laying on a CDN in 100s of locations, with this Gatsby data layer, it knows which page needs what data, and updates are made accordingly. So building their static pages in fast enough. It has a fascinating architecture of making static websites with dynamic fetching of data. Data updates are not happening quite often then, this framework can be the best option, as it dynamically fetches the data from CMS or cloud and renders it to the client-side. It will not be a wise idea not to use GraphQL, as you will lose the advantage of the structured Gatsby data layer. Well documented and has good Community for support and contributors.

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Tags :Static Web PageReactJSSEOOptimizedGraphQLJavascriptWeb AppReducerWebsite

Why Gatsby for your business?

Point 1

If your business has lots of data but does not have frequent updates of data, Gatsby can be the best option.

Point 2

You can save much as you don’t need server-side rendering.

Point 3

Automatic routing based on your directory structure. No need to include additional code for configuring the router

Point 4

The gatsby-image plugin can relieve much of the pain associated with optimizing images in your site

Point 5

Your web application is optimized, and it is backed by ReactJS virtual DOM and Gatsby data layer and development will be fast.

Point 6

Your web application is public-facing and wants to boost with SEO.

Point 7

It will give the best user experience with good design and features.

Point 8

Not only this but also Gatsby team is also working to make it better with frequent updates making the developer happy by making develop process smoother and providing good UI experiences.

Point 9

It has interesting innovations i.e., graphical data layer, the standard way to manage any kind of data. You can use GraphQL to query data from your react app.

What Skills and Tools can be used?

Front End Development

Reacts, GraphQL API, Rest API

Contentful, WordPress, Shopify Drupal

JavaScript, typescript, Google Analytics

Webpack, Amazon S3, Firebase

Who is supporting and using?

Software and SaaS, Figma, Snapchat

Consumer, Finance, and Insurance

E-Commerce, health, education, personal and NGOs

Public interest Organisation

National Geographic, Content and Media

©2022 Maato Collection Used:

Gatsby and its plugins, Contentful, Graphql, FrontEnd Web Tech, ReactJS, Helmet, Gits, Netlify