

Contentful enables teams to unify content in a single hub, structure it for use in any digital channel, and integrate seamlessly with hundreds of other tools through open APIs and a leading app framework. Contentful is a tool in the Cloud Content Management System category of a tech stack. It creates custom content types, picks and choose individual fields and arranges entries into flexible hierarchies. Platforms like WordPress and Sitecore were designed to store and present content elements like text, images and video on websites. The traditional CMS approach to managing content put everything in one big bucket — content, images, HTML, CSS. This made it impossible to reuse the content because it was commingled with code; making it impossible for different types of digital devices. A headless CMS is any type of back-end content management system where the content repository “body” is separated or decoupled from the presentation layer "head." Content that is housed in a headless CMS is delivered via APIs for seamless display across different devices.

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Contentful Version


Tags :CMSHeadless CMSSEOOptimizedGraphQL

Why Contentful for your business?

Point 1

You can create your data model for your content and add verification as needed

Point 2

You can split the space between organizations

Point 3

You can also assign multiple users with different roles

Point 4

Full-featured headless CMS and Agile Ecommerce software Solution.

Point 5

Companies choose Contentful to gain a competitive advantage. The new standard in content management, see how headless CMS can work for your digital teams.

Point 6

Content can be delivered via API across different devices.

Point 7

GraphQL included and is easily connected with Gatsby app.

Point 8

You can ask for free service for some time, and later you can update to plan according to with you need.

What Skills and Tools can be used?

Google Analytics

Jira, GitLab, Bitbucket

AWS Lambda, Elastic search

Who is supporting and using?

Atlassian, Scotiabank

Intercom, Vodafone

©2022 Maato Collection Used:

Gatsby and its plugins, Contentful, Graphql, FrontEnd Web Tech, ReactJS, Helmet, Gits, Netlify